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MWP-Green >>
어플리케이션 LED Flood Lighting
장소 보루시아, 독일
설치제품 MWP-Green
Borussia Mönchengladbach team is part of Germany’s Premier Soccer team.
To enhance its stadium’s exterior to its team color, green, existing metal halide lamps were swapped for a LED lighting system. The switch to energy efficient LED’s signals the team’s vision to promote a greener future as an eco-friendly sports club.

Existing 180W (198W including ballast) metal halide lamps were replaced in identical locations with Maloolighting’s LED floodlight product, MWP-Green 100W, to illuminate the exterior of the stadium green with the addition of a centralized lighting control system for customizability, light show capability, and additional energy savings, over 50% in CO2 emissions were achieved, ultimately allowing the projet to help its team to promote an eco-friendly image while enabling a symbolic nighttime view for its stadium.